The Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering was established in the year 1996 offering B.Tech. Program in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE) with an intake of 60, followed by an increase to 120 in the year 2007, 180 and 240 in the years 2012 and 2014 respectively, besides admission under lateral entry scheme. The B.Tech. (EEE) program is currently being offered with an intake of 210 from the AY 2020-2021. The B.Tech. Program was re-accredited (third cycle of accreditation) by NBA for three years (03.03.2020 to 30.06.2023).
The department also offers M.Tech. Programs with specialization in Electrical Power Systems (EPS), Power Electronics and Drives (PED) with an intake of 18 each. The M.Tech. Program in Electrical Power Systems was also accredited by NBA.
The affiliating university, JNTUA, Anantapur, has recognized the Department of EEE as Research Centre for offering Ph.D. Program from the academic year 2013-14. Full-time and Part-Time Ph.D. scholars are pursuing Ph.D. under this centre.
The Department houses well equipped Laboratories and a Research Center with state-of-the-art equipment. The department constantly organizes short-term training programs, seminars, workshops, guest lectures making the students competitive enough. The Department’s student body, Electrical Technical Association (ETA) conducts Career Development Programs, Seminars, Quiz, Industrial Visits, Paper Contests, Group Discussions, Guest Lectures, Career Guidance sessions and Games, to enhance interpersonal and intrapersonal skills of students.
The Department is headed by Prof. Dr. M.S.Sujatha. She has more than twenty years of teaching and research experience. She published 38 research articles in reputed National and International Journals and Conferences. Her area of expertise includes Wireless Sensors and Wireless Communication for Energy Management & Power Systems, Renewable Energy Sources and Soft Computing Techniques.

Dr. M.S.Sujatha
To become the Nation’s premiere centre of excellence in electrical engineering through teaching, training, research and innovation to create competent engineering professionals with values and ethics.
- Imparting Knowledge through implementing modern curriculum, academic flexibility and learner centric teaching methods in Electrical Engineering
- Inspiring students for aptitude to research and innovation by exposing them to industry and societal needs to creating solutions for contemporary problems
- Honing technical and soft skills for enhanced learning outcomes and employability of students with diverse background through comprehensive training methodologies
- Inculcate values and ethics among students for a holistic engineering professional practice.
Faculty Awards and Achievements
Higher Studies
- 2022-23
- Conference
- Guest Expert Lecture Webinars
- A Awareness program on Women’s Health & Wealth held on 15.05.2023
- A Seminar on Career guidance on Recent Development and Opportunities in EV Industryheld on 05.08.2022
- A Seminar on Challenges and Opportunities in the Core Sectorheld on 06.08.2022
- A Seminar on Multilevel Inverters for Renewable Energy Systems held on 10.12.2022
- A Seminar on Skill Development Program on Competitive Coding held on 27.03.2023
- A Seminar on Technological Innovations in Electric Vehicle Charging held on 19.11.2022
- A Seminar onIntellectual Property Rights (IPR) with Electrical, Electronics, Communication and Instrumentation related inventions held on 18.04.2023
- A Webinar on Health is Wealth held on 18.05.2023
- A Webinar Series on Voice of Women during 13.02.2023 to 17.02.2023
- An Expert Lecture on Prospects & Challenges in Renewable Energyheld on 20.08.2022
- An Expert Lecture on Advanced Energy Management Strategies for Fuel Cell Vehicles held on 30.12.2022
- An Expert Lecture on Awareness on Importance of IEEE Organisational and Societal Memberships held on 09.02.2023
- An Expert Lecture on Concept to FAT of Vision-Based Medical Implant System with feedback using ML (A Model-Based Approach held on 29.12.2022
- An Expert Lecture on Electrical and Electronics systems in Vehicular Technology held on 19.09.2022
- An Expert Lecture on Recent Trends in Solar Powered Agro-Appliancesheld on 10.05.2023
- An Expert Lecture on The Core of Emerging and Using Artificial Intelligence Approaches_held on 31.12.2022
- WorkShop
- A One Day Technical Event on Project Expo held on 02.05.2023
- A Three-Day Workshop on 3I-Ideation, Innovation, and Incubation during 07.12.2022 to 09.12.2022
- A Two-Day Workshop on Exploring IDEA Lab facilities for Innovations during 26.05.2023 to 27.05.2023
- A Workshop on Yoga to De-Stress and Increase the Productivity for Working Professionals held on 20.06.2023
- 2021-22
- A Five Day FDP on Emerging Trends of Blockchain Technology in Engineering during 02.08.2021 to 06.08.2021
- ATAL Online FDP on Futuristic Electric Transportation Systems during 20.09.2021 to 24.09.2021
- ATAL Online FDPon Mathematical Modelling and Controller Design For Non-Linear Process during 11.10.2021 to 15.10.2021
- Guest Expert Lectures Webinars
- One Day International Webinar on Monitoring Systems on photovoltaic plants held on 24.07.2022
- An Industry Oriented Expert Lecture on Energy crisis in India held on 24.05.2022
- An Expert Lecture_Technical Careers in ICC Urban held on 30.04.2022
- An Expert lecture on Yoga for Humanity held on 21.06.2022
- An Expert lecture on Product Life Cycle Development held on 22.01.2022
- An Expert Lecture on Power System Protection held on 17.03.2022
- An Expert Lecture on Power Electronics Applications in Transportation held on 26.01.2022
- An expert lecture on Nuclear Energy – A Carbon Free Roadmap to Future held on 07.06.2023
- An Expert lecture on Innovation and Entrepreneurship held on 29.04.2022
- An Expert lecture on Industrial Automation with PLC and SCADA held on 26.12.2021
- An Expert lecture on Career Orientation Sesssion on gate way to Higher Education and Career Opportunities through GATE held on 05.05.2022
- An Expert lecture on Product Life Cycle Development held on 22.01.2022
- An Expert Lecture Motor Control for Electric vehicles held on 09.03.2022
- An Awareness program on Safety During Crisis through Disha App held on 13.05.20222
- A Webinar on Cancer Prevention and Healthy Lifestyle held on 02.02.2022
- A Webinar on Beti Bachao Beti Padhao held on 24.01.2022
- A Two-Day National Level Seminar on Advanced Technological applications in Electrical Engineering and Career Opportunities during 03.07.2021 to 04.07.2021
- A Seminar on Soft Skills and Career Development held on 25.02.2022
- A one day webinar on Entrepreneurship opportunities in EV industry held on 09.9.2021
- A One Day National Webinar on Women Safety and Awareness on DISHA APP held on 12.07.2021
- A One day National Seminar on Innovation and Enterprenuership held on 28.08.2021
- A Expert lecture on Career in IT & Opportunities at Infosys held on 22.04.2022
- Workshop
- A National Level Workshop on IPR- Patents & Designs filing Process during 07.12.2021 to 09.12.2021
- A One Week National Level Hands on Workshop on Application Design Using Arduino Uno, Node MCU & Raspberry Pi during 07.10.2021 to 12.10.2021
- A Three Day Online Workshop on Meditative Program on Peace Building_17.09.2021 to 19.09.2021
- 2020-21
- Guest Expert Lectures Webinars
- Conference
- A Five Day Faculty Development Program on Emerging Trends of Blockchain Technology in Engineering during 02-08-2021 to 06-08-2021
- A One Week National Level FDP on Application of Data Science and Machine Learning in Engineering during 14-06-2021 to 18-06-2021
- AICTE-ISTE Sponsered Online InductionRefresher Programme on Electric Hybrid Vehicle Phase- I during 08-02-2021 to 13-02-2021
- AICTE-ISTE Sponsered Online InductionRefresher Programme on Electric Hybrid Vehicle Phase- II during 01-03-2021 to 06-03-2021
- AICTE-ISTE Sponsered Online InductionRefresher Programme on Electric Hybrid Vehicle Phase- III during 19-04-2021 to 24-04-2021
- ATAL Sponsered Faculty Development Programme on Green Technology & Sustainability Engineering during 15-02-2021 to 19-02-2021
- Guest Expert Lectures Webinars
- An industry expert lecture on Off-Shore Gas Insulated Substation (GIS) held on 18-03-2021
- A Expert talk on Ethics and Self Awareness held on 20-01-2021
- A National Webinar on Stress Management and Work life Balance held on 21-07-2020
- A National Webinar on Deep Learning in Visual Recognition held on 02-07-2020
- A Three Day Virtual Expert Lecture Series on Main Streaming Cross-Cutting Issues Environment and Society during 11-08-2020 to 13-08-2020
- A Two Day National Level Seminar Series on Advanced Technological Applications in Electrical Engineering and Carrier Opportunities during 3-7-21 to 4-7-21
- A Webinar on “Gender Sensitization and Women Empowerment” held on 12-11-2020
- A webinar on Deployment of Smart Grid into Power Systems and it’s Challenges held on 09-10-2020
- One day National Level webinar on Power Electronics for Renewable Energy Applications held on 19-06-2021
- Workshop
- International/National Conference
- 2019-20
- Conference
- Guest_Expert Lectures_Webinars
- A Guest Lecture on Ethikal Hacking held on 09-09-2019
- A Webinar on Vehicle Safety held on 29-06-2020
- An Expert Lecture on Design, Installation, commissioning, operation & maintenance on Gas Insulated Substation (GIS) held on 31-08-2019
- An Expert Lecture on Research Challenges in power and Energy held on 27-07-2019
- Workshop
- 2018-19
- Workshops
- Workshop on “Applications of DSP in Electrical Engineering held on 16-04-2019
- Workshop on“Smart Grid Simulation with Distribution Generation and Electric Vehicle Load Uncertainty” duuring 07-02-2019 to 08-02-2019
- Workshop on “Virtual Labs” on 26-01-2019
- Workshop on “Article Preparation Using Latex” during 08-08-2018 to 11-08-2018
- Workshop on “Prospective Research in Power Electronics and Drives” held on 15-12-2018
- Seminar
- Guest/Expert Lectures:
- Workshops
- 2017-18
- Workshop
- Guest / Expert Lectures
- 2016-17
- Seminars
- Conferences
- Guest / Expert Lectures
- Guest lecture on “Start up in Electrical Engineering through Android Software” held on 01-09-2016
- Guest lecture on “ESDM Eco Systems in India” held on 04-11-2016
- Expert lecture on “Basics of Smart Grid Technology and its Elements” held on 01-11-2017
- Expert lecture on “Innovation, Technology and Youth” held on 06-02-2017
- 2015-16
- Seminar
- Workshops and IPRs
- Guest / Expert Lectures
- Expert lecture on “Power Electronic Converters in Power Systems” held on 18-07-2015
- Expert lecture on “Soft Computing Techniques in Power Systems” held on 21-08-2015
- Expert lecture on “Smart Grid and Smart Meters in Power Systems” held on 01-10-2015
- Guest lecture on “Industry trends in Electrical Engineering” held on 22-02-2016
- 2014-15
- Seminars
- Workshops
- Guest / Expert Lectures
- 2013-14
- Seminars
- Workshops
- Guest / Expert Lectures
- 2012-13
- Seminar
- Workshops
- Conferences
- Guest / Expert Lectures
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